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Tips for booking cheap flights

Looking for the best way to buy airline tickets to get a cheap flight from and within Saudi Arabia, such to Riyadh, Jeddah and Makkah? We've got you covered anytime, anywhere. It's not just local flights, though—you'll find cheap flights to travel hubs like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, as well international hotspots like New York and London. Here's how to find some of the best deals.


When is the best time to buy airline tickets?

Keeping an eye on prices is a good idea when trying to find some of the best airfare deals. Compare fares across different airlines, and set up a price alert for your preferred route. Keep in mind that prices can fluctuate based on demand, so it's a good idea to monitor prices regularly and be ready to book when you see a deal that fits your budget. Download the Expedia app for Price Tracking—you'll receive alerts when pricing changes, along with advice of when to book to get the air ticket price.


What is the cheapest time to fly?

Flying during off-peak times can often help you find cheaper flights. Keep an eye out for deals and be flexible with your travel dates to snag some of the best prices. The cheapest times to fly depend on seasons and destinations. For example, in Saudi Arabia, the summer months of June and July are typically some of the cheapest times to travel. For international destinations, like the USA or Europe, May and October are considered off-peak. As for days of the week, the cheapest days to fly are often weekdays—this is because most people travel around weekends.


How can I find some of the cheapest flights on Expedia?

Compare cheap airline ticket prices at a glance from a large inventory of carriers on Expedia. You can get cheap flights by staying flexible with travel dates, carriers, and nonstop/layover flights to get some of the best prices. Expedia makes your travel planning stress-free and sources airfare deals so you can sit back, relax, and start your vacation or business trip with ease. Use the "Sort by" feature to sort the search results by price, so some of the cheapest flights will appear at the top of the list.


How can I save money on flights?

Mixing and matching airline tickets and fare types could help save money on airfare from and within Saudi Arabia. Easily compare prices for carriers, arrival and departure dates, airplane cabin class, and more when you book with Expedia. You can also filter for flights based on your budget—for example, the filters on the left-hand side of the search results will show you some of the lowest prices found for each airline. Expedia makes it easy to find cheap flights from Riyadh, Makkah, and Jeddah—and more.


How can I get cheap last-minute flight deals?

Try to stay a little bit flexible with travel dates, airports, and nonstop/layover flights to find some of the cheapest flights on Expedia. Whether you're planning a quick business trip or a spontaneous vacation with friends, you'll have your choice of last-minute flights, roundtrip, or multi-city flights on Expedia. You'll find everything you need for your travels all in one place—keep an eye on the calendar that appears above the search results, as any prices highlighted in green represent a deal.


How do I book with Expedia?

Booking your flight with Expedia is easy—all you have to do is input your travel dates, departure city, and arrival destination into the search. Then, all the available flights for those dates and destinations will appear. For instance, you can find cheap flights from Riyadh to Dubai or Riyadh to London. You can use search filters to narrow down the results as well based on a variety of factors like the airline, number of stops, departure time, and policies like seat choice and refundable bookings. Additionally, travelers may alter their search for roundtrip flights, one-way flights, and multi-city flights.


What should I look out for when booking flights?

Several factors go into any flight booking, and you'll need to keep an eye out for them all to ensure that you get the travel time, luggage policy, airline, and class you want. Consider which airport is closest to your ultimate destination, and make sure that the flight will accommodate all the luggage you plan on bringing. Remember, in bigger cities there are often several airports. For example, in London, you have Gatwick, Heathrow and 4 others. Sometimes searching into different airports in and around the same city can help you land better deals. If you book transfers or hotels, be sure to double check the airport code.


Where can I fly for cheap from Saudi Arabia?

With a multitude of departures, it is likely you will find cheap plane tickets to nearby destinations like Muscat, Kuwait City, and Doha. When looking for budget-friendly airline tickets from Saudi Arabia, exploring offerings from a variety of airlines is key. Opting for economy plane tickets on airlines known for competitive pricing can often yield the most cost-effective travel options. Additionally, flexibility with travel dates and booking flights well in advance can further enhance affordability. Keep an eye out for promotions and deals, as they may present excellent opportunities to buy cheap airline tickets. Planning ahead and comparing prices across different carriers can help travelers find the best value.


Is it cheaper to buy flights last minute?

Flight tickets can be cheaper at the last minute depending on how late you're actually booking, where you're going, and the kind of flight you opt for. Browse the Expedia website when you are looking for last-minute flights, and browse flights from different airlines, as you might be able to find savings on last-minute plane tickets prices.


Are fully refundable flights available?

Yes, several fully refundable flights are available and will be labeled as such on your search results page in green text. You may also filter for “fully refundable flights” specifically to eliminate all flights from your results that don't qualify. Just make sure to check the specific policy for each flight before booking.


Why should I book my flight with Expedia?

Thanks to its global presence, Expedia offers you some of the cheapest plane ticket prices on hundreds of airlines. From flights to Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah, through to Canada and Japan, Expedia's worldwide network means you have access to a huge amount of deals. And it couldn't be easier to find your flight: The intuitive search wizard allows you to compare all the options in just a few clicks. If anything unforeseen arises, Expedia's friendly customer service team is always ready to lend a helping hand.